cosmo-press Other You want porn videos to play a smaller role and keep it more for yourself

You want porn videos to play a smaller role and keep it more for yourself

  Best porn sites.



For some people and couples, few things are more intimate than sex with a partner and sex with oneself. What we do, think, and desire during masturbation has no substantial impact on our lives beyond learning what feels good and what doesn’t. We see masturbation as a separate place, a place for ourselves. But in relationships, we may share everything, even what happened in our loneliest moments. It would be nice to think that every time we get to know each other better and explore our sexuality, everything will magically work out, but that’s not always the case. It can be very upsetting or a little insecure to find out that your partner likes things that confuse or make you uncomfortable. And that certainly applies to each other’s porn tubes. When it comes to porn, for some it’s “Yes!” and for others, it’s “Really?” But like many things in relationships, if we focus on talking things through without rushing, we often find that we have something in common. So, what should you do if you realize that you and your partner

Like different kinds of porn?

First, don’t panic. That’s the most important thing. Sex is a very intimate and vulnerable space, and there’s a lot of pressure to feel like you have an essentially explosive sex life. That it’s always going to be magic and fireworks, and that you’re craving the same thing without any effort. But that’s total nonsense. Very few people are perfectly in sync.  So don’t see every disagreement between you and your partner as an insurmountable challenge or a sign that you don’t have a great sex life. It’s natural to have slightly different tendencies from time to time.

Remember that porn tubes are not real.

One reason you shouldn’t get upset about your partner’s porn tubes is that what we like on porn tubes is often very different from what we want in real life. Some people like gay porn. Many heterosexual women love porn tubes. Some people love watching porn but have no interest in trying anything other than the most basic flower sex in real life. Why? Well, fantasies are a funny thing. Sometimes, there’s something we want to explore more but haven’t found the right way to do it yet. But sometimes they’re fantasies because we like the idea of ​​exploring in theory without actually trying it. You need to talk to your partner about what he thinks about the porn videos he watches and how they relate to his sex life.

Uses it as a starting point

Even if you feel like you like different types of porn, you’ll probably find more in common than you think. You can use the types of porn videos as a starting point for a larger conversation. What do you like about them? Power dynamics? What about positions? What about the act? Role-play? Even if you seem to say different things, you might find common ground once you start exploring.

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